在看 Open Culture 这篇关于 Woody Guthrie 吉他的文章里,点进了一个The Guardian的链接,了解到在二战刚完那会儿他与 Donald Trump 亲爹之间的某些交集:
想起多年前香港朋友對於 Mac 的評論(還是 iBook / Powerbook 年代):對住部 Mac 係開心啲嘅(對着 Mac 的確是會開心一點)。不過開心時通常都做不出什麼好東西。
Kurt Vonnegut:
The best advice from my own era for you or for just about anybody anytime, I guess, is a prayer first used by alcoholics who hoped to never take a drink again: ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’
Louise Erdrich:
Resist your disappearance
into sentimental monikers,
into the violent pattern of corporate logos,
into the mouth of the unholy flower of consumerism.
Resist being consumed.
Resist all funding sources but accept all money.
Cut the strings and dismantle the web
that needing money throws over you.
Resist the distractions of excess.
Wear old clothes and avoid chain restaurants.
You Made Me Pray, I Made You Hard