To a Blind Horse



科技圈对新鲜风口的需求甚于时尚界,加密货币、NTF、WEB3……,现在新加入“下一件大事”俱乐部的是人工智能。几乎人人都在谈论AI,线的另一头跟你聊天的狗也在思考。各类观点层出不穷,向往趋之的,警惕暂避的都有。我对它于我注意力的不断侵入已经不胜其烦,但趋势看来目前它不是一盆昙花。 更多...

A Bicycle for the Mind, Redux

an interview with Alan Kay, by Judy Schuster: Q: What’s the matter with predefined functions? Kay: Put a prosthetic on a healthy limb and it withers. Using the logic of current day education, we could say that since students are going to be drivers as adults, at age two we should put them in a little motorized vehicle and they will just stay there and learn how to be much better drivers. Now, we would think that was pretty horrible. 更多...

Adam Curtis on the dangers of self-expression

Adam Curtis on the dangers of self-expression: What happened from the early 1970s on was a shift, which said self-expression is the new politics. Self-expression is the new way of challenging the bad things in the world. But it can’t, because the whole world is actually based upon self-expression. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to start with where power has gone. It’s very difficult to see. We live in a world where we see ourselves as independent individuals. If you’re an independent individual, you don’t really think in terms of power. You think only in terms of your own influence on the world. 更多...