To a Blind Horse



在看 Open Culture 这篇关于 Woody Guthrie 吉他的文章里,点进了一个The Guardian的链接,了解到在二战刚完那会儿他与 Donald Trump 亲爹之间的某些交集:

Below all the legal jargon is the signature of the man who had composed This Land is Your Land, the most resounding appeal to an equal share for all in America. Below that is the signature of Donald Trump’s father, Fred. No pairing could appear more unlikely.


Guthrie had written that white supremacists like the Trumps were “way ahead of God” because

God dont
know much
about any color lines.

Guthrie hardly meant this as a compliment. But the Trumps – father and son alike – might well have been arrogant enough to see it as one.